Bags are something that is a necessity wherever we travel, or whenever we need to gift something, or just as a means to store our essentials at home. Hence, either we are talking about the shopping bags that big brands provide, or those attractive ones that we tend to buy, bags are something which we cannot do without, and forms an integral part of our existence. 
While we started out with simple, woven bags that were made by hand, we drifted towards plastic bags, since we found them comfortable to carry, and of course, easily available. However, what we forgot is that the same plastic bags which we depend so much upon can also result in several problems, and the most dangerous among them is due to its non-biodegradable nature. Now, when we have finally accepted the fact that plastic bags can be dangerous, it is the time we look into the advantages and disadvantages of plastic and paper bags, a more natural alternative. We, at Green Handle, have innumerable varieties of Paper bags to satisfy the customer's requirements.
Paper Bags vs. Plastic bags:
Plastic bags, although have been comfortable for long, can be a cause of serious concern, if their usage increases. Agreed, they can be made into bespoke bags, and can carry all advertisements on it, but do we really need to do this to our environment? It is us, who help in shaping our environment for a better tomorrow, and thus, it is essential that we look into every aspect, before picking our products.The best alternative available today, especially in the shopping malls and big brands are the paper bags. 

The reason behind this is simple-
•    Paper bags are biodegradable, and are the need of the hour, with so many environments conscious customers to satisfy, and also to do our bit for nature.
•    Printing on paper bags is as easy or rather, much simpler than those on the plastic bags.
•    Paper bags can be customized according to our requirements. Paper bags, offered by Green Handle, can be customized as per the customer’s needs and can be made as attractive as their counterparts.
•    Paper bags are also an affordable option to fit within your budget
•    The bags made out of paper are much more attractive aesthetically.

Paper bags, when compared to plastics, therefore, come out a clear winner, if we look into the above-mentioned pointers.

Paper Bags – the need of the hour

Slowly, but steadily, we are waking up to the fact that there is a reason why we need to take care of our nature, and give back as much as we can, to our Mother Earth. In lieu of the fact that there are many programs that are being conducted, and awareness campaigns organized, a simple fact like switching over to paper bags, can add on to the good work.
From bigger shopping malls to small grocery stores that tend to use plastics more often than not, it is time for every one of them to think about switching over. If not paper bags, there are also other ways of making a change, like going in for a non-woven or woven, environmentally friendlier bags. Hence, the need of the hour, here, is to make the switch-over, as soon as possible, to ensure we stop harassing and stretching our atmosphere more than we have already done.
Paper bags from Greenhandle 
Greenhandle offers innumerable varieties of paper bags, ranging from multi-colored bags to newspaper bags for everyday purposes. One can pick a paper bag, depending upon their budget limitations, and can make it personalized with the ‘Ready-to-print’ options available with Green Handle.
Hence, as the saying goes, ‘The key to a greener planet is in our hands’; it is us who need to change, and not nature, to accommodate our misbehavior towards its bounties. Paper bags or plastic bags- which do you think is closer to the environment? 

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